Learn how to relax your mind, release negative emotions and improve your energy.
By becoming a part of our Wednesday weekly Chakra balancing meditation you will experience Transformation of your Mind on many levels and in various aspects. It will help you to connect to your Infinite pool of Life Energy and you will be able to stay connected to your Higher Self for Continuous Guidance. With regular guided meditation practice with our expert, your mind will become more peaceful, energized and you will experience a new deeper understanding of life.
Our 1,5 - hour class consists of different energy balancing techniques: Bija mantras in combination with essential oils & singing bowl sound, pranayama and guided meditation.
During this class you will receive deeper knowledge of Energetic Anatomy, learn and balance the major functions of chakras and which aspects they are responsible for.
Chakras are the major energy centers that are aligned with our central channel and function like vortexes or clearing houses of energy, where we generate and process energy, information, emotions and also transform energy for being used in our lives. Basically chakra system is a map for us that we can use for understanding how our body is connected to our mind and emotions, how different parts of our body are interconnected with different aspects of our life.
Chakras are correlated with endocrine system, and located close to our major endocrine glands. So our hormones and endocrine system has a straight affect on our emotions, thoughts that we are thinking, our physical health and vitality of our organs, tissues and general functioning of our body. During the class you will use mantras and essential oils to raise the vibration of 7 main chakras, strengthen them through guided meditation, balance your male and female energies as well as release any emotional or mental tension.
Learn how to meditate on a deeper level;
Improve your grounding and connect fully to the moment Now;
Open yourself up to feelings of security, prosperity and belonging;
Open yourself to others, receive the courage to express yourself and to embrace change;
Increase your ability to stand up for yourself, control negative impulses, and exercise greater self-control;
Increase your self-esteem and become more confident and self-assured - your frequent stomach anxiety and pains will subside;
Make your communication energy flow strongly and improve your ability to express yourself;
Improve your physical and spiritual voice, your means of communicating who you are and what you need and want from yourself and the universe;
Improve your intuition and connection to your life purpose and inner wisdom;
Reconnect with your spirit (Universe/Source/God) and overcome strong attachment to possessions, relationships and the physical world;
Receive basic knowledge of Energetic Anatomy and Laws of the Universe;
Find answers and support for any disbalances in your life.